// 1. HIER GAR NICHTS MACHEN //=============================================================== // XML REQUEST //============================================================== function initXMLHttpRequest() { // branch for native XMLHttpRequest object if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // branch for IE/Windows ActiveX version req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } return(req); } function makeCustomHandlerForObject(reqString, targetObjectString, returnProperty) { out = "var xmlOutput = processReadyStateChange(window[\"" + reqString + "\"],\"" + returnProperty + "\");"; out = out + "if ( ! (typeof(xmlOutput) == \"string\" && xmlOutput == \"\") ) {" + targetObjectString + "= xmlOutput; window[\"" + reqString +"\"] = null;}"; return out; } function makeCustomHandlerForFunction(reqString, targetObjectString, returnProperty) { out = "var xmlOutput = processReadyStateChange(window[\"" + reqString + "\"],\"" + returnProperty + "\");"; out = out + "if ( ! (typeof(xmlOutput) == \"string\" && xmlOutput == \"\") ) {" + targetObjectString.substr(0,targetObjectString.length - 1) + ",xmlOutput); window[\"" + reqString +"\"] = null;}"; return out; } function loadXMLDoc(url, reqIndex, target,property) { req = window[reqIndex]; if (target.substr(target.length-1,1) == ")") { req.onreadystatechange = new Function( makeCustomHandlerForFunction(reqIndex,target,property) ); } else { req.onreadystatechange = new Function( makeCustomHandlerForObject(reqIndex,target,property) ); } // encode Url for IE req.open("GET", encodeURI(url), true); if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { req.send(null); } else { req.send(); } } function processReadyStateChange(req, property) { // only if req shows "complete" if (req.readyState == 4) { // only if "OK" if (req.status == 200) { return req[property]; } else { alert("There was a problem retrieving the RSS feed\n" + req.statusText) } } return ""; } var reqNum = 0; function getXMLText(source, target) { var reqIndex = "req" + (++reqNum); window[reqIndex] = initXMLHttpRequest(); loadXMLDoc(source, reqIndex, target, "responseText"); } function getXMLDoc(source, target) { var reqIndex = "req" + (++reqNum); window[reqIndex] = initXMLHttpRequest(); loadXMLDoc(source, reqIndex, target, "responseXML"); } function getFirstElement(node,elementName) { child = node.firstChild; while ( child != null ) { if (child.nodeType == 1) { if ( child.nodeName == elementName) { return child; } } child = child.nextSibling; } return null; } function getLastElement(node,elementName) { child = node.lastChild; while ( child != null ) { if (child.nodeType == 1) { if ( child.nodeName == elementName) { return child; } } child = child.previousSibling; } return null; } function getNthElement(node, elementName, n) { foundCount = 0; child = node.firstChild; while (child != null) { if (child.nodeType == 1) { if (child.nodeName == elementName) { foundCount = foundCount + 1; if (foundCount == n) { return child; } } } child = child.nextSibling; } return null; } function getElementText(node) { if (node == null) { return(""); } child = node.firstChild; foundCDATA = false; foundPlainText = false; while (child != null) { if (child.nodeType == 4) { // CDATA node result = child.nodeValue; foundCDATA = true; } else { if (child.nodeType == 3) { // Text node result = child.nodeValue; foundPlainText = true; } } if (foundCDATA == true) { return result } child = child.nextSibling } if (foundPlainText == false) { return("") } return result; } //##################################################################################################### // 2. HIER WERDEN DIE SPALTENINFOS GELESEN //=============================================================== function parseXML(issue, xmlDoc) { if (typeof(xmlDoc) != "object") { return; } //########################################################################## //### WRITE DATA ########################################################## entries = xmlDoc.documentElement; entry = getFirstElement(entries,"viewentry"); entryCount = 1; while ( entry != null ) { // user userEntry = getFirstElement(entry,"entrydata", 1); userEl = getFirstElement(userEntry,"text"); userText = getElementText(userEl); // from - till information fromTillEntry = getNthElement(entry,"entrydata",2); fromTillEl = getFirstElement(fromTillEntry,"text"); fromTillText = getElementText(fromTillEl); // subject subjectEntry = getNthElement(entry,"entrydata", 3); subjectEl = getFirstElement(subjectEntry,"text"); subjectText = getElementText(subjectEl); // resource resEntry = getNthElement(entry,"entrydata",4); resEl = getFirstElement(resEntry,"text"); resName = getElementText(resEl); //======================================================= // ........................ //======================================================= entryCount += 1; entry = getNthElement(entries,"viewentry",entryCount); } } // 3. FUNKTION WIRD MIT PARAMETERN AUFGERUFEN // Ausgabe als Text ====================================================== function getAJAXData(iFunction, iURL, issue, iTarget) { if( (issue == '-1') || (issue == '') ) { var xTargetItem = document.getElementById( iTarget); var xNewOption=null; if( xTargetItem ) // write station fields with - - - - - { // remove all entries from list var xLen = xTargetItem.length; for( j=0; j< xLen; j++) { xTargetItem[0]= null; } xNewOption = new Option('----------------', '-1', true, false); xTargetItem[0]= xNewOption; xTargetItem.disabled=true; } } else { //alert( iURL + "\n" + issue + "\n" + iFunction + "\n" + "(" + issue + ", " + iTarget + ")" ); getXMLText( iURL + issue, iFunction + "(\"" + issue + "\",\"" + iTarget + "\")"); // display search links only if( document.getElementById( 'SearchSTA' )) document.getElementById( 'SearchSTA' ).style.display = 'block'; if( document.getElementById( 'SearchILC' ) ) document.getElementById( 'SearchILC' ).style.display = 'block'; if( document.getElementById( 'SearchGRP' ) ) document.getElementById( 'SearchGRP' ).style.display = 'block'; } } function outputAJAX( iReturnString , iXMLOutput) { alert( "AJAX call result:" + iXMLOutput); } // Rückgabe von Plain Text zur weiteren Verarbeitung ===================== // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function readRemoteData(xURL, issue, xTarget) { getXMLText( xURL + issue, "getRemoteData(\"" + issue + "\",\"" + xTarget + "\")"); } function getRemoteData( iReturnString ,iTarget, iXMLOutput) { xElement = document.getElementById(iTarget); if( xElement ) { xElement.innerHTML = xElement.innerHTML + iXMLOutput; } } var ReturnLocationFixed = false; // Funktionen zum Laden der Location Daten ================================= //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function toggleLocations(iReturnString , iTarget, iXMLOutput) { //alert('START TOOGLE LOCATION'); ReturnLocationFixed = false; var xTargetItemSTA = document.getElementById( 'STA' ); var xTargetItemILC = document.getElementById( 'ILC'); var xTargetItemSTAList = document.getElementById( 'STAList' ); var xTargetItemILCList = document.getElementById( 'ILCList'); if( xTargetItemSTA ) xTargetItemSTA.innerHTML = ''; // set visible value to nothing if( xTargetItemILC ) xTargetItemILC.innerHTML = ''; // set visible value to nothing if( xTargetItemSTAList ) xTargetItemSTAList.value = ''; // set textarea with stations to empty if( xTargetItemILCList ) xTargetItemILCList.value = ''; // set textarea with stations to empty if( iXMLOutput.search(/^ERROR/) == -1) { var xSelected = false; var yAir = 0; var yFav = 0; var yDow = 0; var xTextArray; var xAllLocationsList = new Array(); var xAllLocationsListEntry = new Array(); var xFavList = new Array(); var xFavListComplete = new Array(); var xAirportListComplete = new Array(); var xDowntownListComplete = new Array(); var xFav = document.getElementById( "CookieStations" ); xFavList = xFav.value.split('~'); var xAllLocationsList = unescape(decodeURI(iXMLOutput.replace( /\n/, "") )).split('~'); // go through the list and write airport staions and downtown stations into different lists //========================================================================= for( var xCounter = 1; xCounter < xAllLocationsList.length; xCounter++) // the 1st entry is always '- - - - - - | -1' . 1st value is written by AjaxWebServices agent { xAllLocationsListEntry = xAllLocationsList[xCounter].split('$A$'); // left from $A$ = label and value, right from $A$ = 1 if airport stat var xLocList = xAllLocationsListEntry[0]; if( xLocList != '' ) { var xAirportFlag = 0; if( xAllLocationsListEntry[1] && (xAllLocationsListEntry[1] == '1') ) xAirportFlag = 1; if( xAirportFlag ) // >>> write airport stations into a list ============ { xAirportListComplete[yAir] = xLocList ; //array with airport stations yAir++; } else // >>> write downtown stations into a list ============ { xDowntownListComplete[yDow] = xLocList ; //array with favorit stations yDow++; } // >>> write favorits into a list ============ xTextArray = xLocList.split('|'); for( var c=0; c>> write FAVORITS into stations fields ============ if( xFavListComplete.length > 0 ) { xLbl = document.getElementById( "FavoriteLocations" ).value; // headline Favorits writeStations( xLbl, xFavListComplete, xTargetItemSTA, setEmptyLine, 'dropdownHeadline' ); writeStations( xLbl, xFavListComplete, xTargetItemILC, setEmptyLine, 'dropdownHeadline' ); } setEmptyLine = false; // >>> write Airports into stations fields ============ if( xAirportListComplete.length > 0 ) { xLbl = document.getElementById( "AirportLocations" ).value; // headline Airports if( xFavListComplete.length > 0 ) setEmptyLine = true; writeStations( xLbl, xAirportListComplete, xTargetItemSTA, setEmptyLine, 'dropdownHeadline' ); writeStations( xLbl, xAirportListComplete, xTargetItemILC, setEmptyLine, 'dropdownHeadline' ); } setEmptyLine = false; // >>> write Downtowns into stations fields ============ if( xDowntownListComplete.length > 0 ) { xLbl = document.getElementById( "DowntownLocations" ).value; // headline Airports if( (xAirportListComplete.length > 0 && xFavListComplete.length > 0) || (xAirportListComplete.length > 0 && xFavListComplete.length < 1) || (xAirportListComplete.length < 1 && xFavListComplete.length > 0) ) setEmptyLine = true; writeStations( xLbl, xDowntownListComplete, xTargetItemSTA, setEmptyLine, 'dropdownHeadline' ); writeStations( xLbl, xDowntownListComplete, xTargetItemILC, setEmptyLine, 'dropdownHeadline' ); } setEmptyLine = false; // >>> "Select location" headline ============ if( (xAirportListComplete.length > 0) || (xDowntownListComplete.length > 0) ) { xLbl = document.getElementById( "PleaseSelectSTA" ).value; // headline Locations xTargetItemSTA.innerHTML = xLbl; xTargetItemILC.innerHTML = xLbl; } setEmptyLine = false; } } // Funktionen zum Laden der Location Daten plain (ohne Aufteilung in downtown and airport) ================ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function toggleLocationsPlain(iReturnString , iTarget, iXMLOutput) { //alert('START TOOGLE LOCATION'); var xTargetItemSTA = document.getElementById( iTarget ); var xNewOption = null; if( iXMLOutput.search(/^ERROR/) == -1 && xTargetItemSTA ) { var xAllLocationsList = unescape(decodeURI(iXMLOutput.replace( /\n/, "") )).split('~'); // remove all old entries form dropdown var xLen = xTargetItemSTA.length; for( var i=0; i < xLen ; i++) { xTargetItemSTA.options[ 0 ] = null; } xTargetItemSTA.disabled=false; // go through the list and write airport staions and downtown stations into different lists //========================================================================= for( var xCounter =0; xCounter < xAllLocationsList.length; xCounter++)// the 1st entry is always '- - - - - - | -1' . 1st value is written by AjaxWebServices agent { xAllLocationsListEntry = xAllLocationsList[xCounter].split('$A$'); // left from $A$ = label and value, right from $A$ = 1 if airport stat var xLocList = xAllLocationsListEntry[0]; if( xLocList != '' ) { // >>> write favorits into a list ============ xTextArray = xLocList.split('|'); xNewOption = new Option( xTextArray[0], xTextArray[1], false, false); xTargetItemSTA.options[ xCounter ] = xNewOption ; } } } } // Funktionen Überprüfen auf vorhandene location based T&C's ================ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function toggleTC( iReturnString , iTarget, iXMLOutput) { //alert('START TOOGLE TC'); var xTargetItem = document.getElementById( iTarget ); var xDiv = document.getElementById( 'SHOWTC' ); var xDivERR = document.getElementById( 'SHOWTCERR' ); var xLocationList = document.getElementById( 'PickupLocation' ); if( xDiv && xDivERR ) { xDiv.style.display='none'; xDivERR.style.display='none'; } if( iXMLOutput.search(/^ERROR/) == -1 && xTargetItem && xDiv ) { var xRes = unescape(decodeURI(iXMLOutput.replace( /\n/, "") )); var xURL = '/budgetonline/stations.nsf/TermsByStationAndLngCategories/' + xRes + '?OpenDocument&MODE=INT'; xTargetItem.src = xURL; xDiv.style.display='inline'; } else { if( xLocationList[ xLocationList.selectedIndex].value != '-1') xDivERR.style.display='inline'; } } function writeStations( _Lbl, _StationList, _Target, _flag, _class ) { xLbl = _Lbl; var xSelected = false; var html = ''; var xTargetList = document.getElementById( _Target.id + 'List' ); html = xTargetList.value; if( _flag == true ) // 1.st entry is field headline - no stations { // insert empty lines html += ' ' ; } // insert headlines html += '' + xLbl + '' ; if( _StationList != '' ) { for( var i=0; i<_StationList.length; i++) { xTextArray = _StationList[i].split('|'); html += '' + xTextArray[0] + '' ; } } xTargetList.value = html; } // Funktionen zum Laden der Car Group Daten ================================= //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function toggleCarGroups(iReturnString , iTarget, iXMLOutput) { ReturnLocationFixed = false; var xTargetItem = document.getElementById( iTarget); var xNewOption=null; var xTargetList = document.getElementById( xTargetItem.id + 'List' ); html = ''; if( xTargetList ) { xTargetList.value = ''; if( iXMLOutput.search(/^ERROR/) == -1) { var xSelected = false; var xTextArray; var xLocList = unescape(decodeURI(iXMLOutput.replace( /\n/, ""))).split('~'); for( var i=1; i' + xTextArray[0] + '' ; } } else { // xTargetItem.disabled=true; } xTargetItem.innerHTML = document.getElementById( "PleaseSelectGRP" ).value; xTargetList.value = html; } } function selectReturnLocation( item, agentUrl ) { var xTargetItem = document.getElementById( 'ILC'); if( ReturnLocationFixed == false) { xTargetItem.innerHTML = item.innerHTML; xTargetItem.setAttribute('valueSelected', item.getAttribute('valueSelected')); // set opening hours for the return station getAJAXData('toggleOpeningHours', agentUrl , item.getAttribute('valueSelected'), 'openingHoursReturn'); } } function toggleOpeningHours( iReturnString , iTarget, iXMLOutput ) { //alert(iReturnString + "\n" + iTarget + "\n" + iXMLOutput); var xElement = document.getElementById(iTarget); var xText = unescape(decodeURI(iXMLOutput)); var xGlobalList = xText.split('$'); var xOpeningHourList = xGlobalList[0].split('#'); var xPhoneNumber = xGlobalList[1]; var xAddress = xGlobalList[2]; var xWeekdayList = xGlobalList[5].split('~'); var xTextHOUR = xGlobalList[6]; var xTextTEL = xGlobalList[7]; var xTextCLOSED = xGlobalList[8]; var xTextHEADLINE = xGlobalList[9]; var xHTML =""; var xOpenList; var xCloseList; var xHourList; var openHours = new Array(); // xHTML=''; // xHTML=xHTML + ''; // xHTML=xHTML + ''; // xHTML=xHTML + ''; xHTML = xTextHEADLINE; for(var i=0; i'; xOpenList = xOpeningHourList[i].split('*')[0].split(';'); xCloseList = xOpeningHourList[i].split('*')[1].split(';'); if(xCloseList == '00:00') { openHours[i] = xTextCLOSED; xHTML=xHTML + ''; } else { xHTML=xHTML + ''; } xHTML=xHTML + ''; } xHTML=xHTML + '
' + xAddress + '
' + xTextTEL + '' + xPhoneNumber + '
' + xTextHEADLINE + '
' + xWeekdayList[i] + '' + xTextCLOSED + ''; xHourList=''; for(var j=0; j< xOpenList.length; j++) { if( xHourList.length == 0) xHourList = xOpenList[j] + '-' + xCloseList[j]; else xHourList = xHourList + ', ' + xOpenList[j] + '-' + xCloseList[j]; } openHours[i] = xHourList + ' ' + xTextHOUR; xHTML=xHTML + xHourList + ' ' + xTextHOUR + '
'; // if( xElement ) // xElement.innerHTML = xHTML; // get pick-up date var PickupORReturn = ''; if(xElement.id == 'openingHoursPickup') PickupORReturn = 'ETA'; else PickupORReturn = 'ETT'; var oField = document.getElementById(PickupORReturn + 'Day'); var sPickupORReturnDAY = oField[oField.selectedIndex].value; oField = document.getElementById(PickupORReturn + 'Month'); var sPickupORReturnMONTHYEAR = oField[oField.selectedIndex].value; var sPickupORReturnMONTH = sPickupORReturnMONTHYEAR.substr(0, 2); var sPickupORReturnYEAR = sPickupORReturnMONTHYEAR.substr(2, 4); var sWeekDayIndex = ''; sWeekDayIndex = getWeekDay(sPickupORReturnDAY ,sPickupORReturnMONTH ,sPickupORReturnYEAR , xWeekdayList ); var aTemp = new Array(); aTemp = sWeekDayIndex.split('|'); // display weekday in the front of the day var oField = document.getElementById(xElement.id + 'Weekday'); if(oField) oField.innerHTML = aTemp[0] + ' '; // display opening hours above day xElement.innerHTML = xTextHEADLINE + ' ' + openHours[aTemp[1]]; xElement.style.visibility = 'visible'; } function toggleCarGroupImage( item, iURL, iTarget, iCountryItem) { var xGRP = item[ item.selectedIndex].value; var xElement = document.getElementById(iTarget); var xCountryElement = document.getElementById(iCountryItem); if( xElement && xCountryElement) { var xCountry = xCountryElement[xCountryElement.selectedIndex].value; var xImageLink = '<' + 'img src="' + iURL + xCountry + '-' + xGRP + '/$FILE/small.gif" alt="">'; xElement.innerHTML = xImageLink; } } function setCssClass(obj) { xVal = obj.options[obj.options.selectedIndex].value; if( xVal == '-1') obj.options.selectedIndex = 0; /* if( obj.options[obj.options.selectedIndex] ) { if( obj.options[obj.options.selectedIndex].value == '-1' ) obj.className = 'formField1 dropdownHeadline'; else { obj.className = 'formField1'; } } */ } function getWeekDay(dd,mm,yyyy, aWeekdayList) { // aWeekDayList can contain short day translations, like (Mo, Tu,...) or a list with complete names // coming from the staion's doc, like (Monday, Tuesday,...) // return only the abbreviated day name depending on how much letters are entered in the translation var strLength = dp_dayArrayShort[0].length; if( isNaN(strLength) || (strLength == '')) strLength = 3; var oDate = new Date(parseInt( yyyy, 10), parseInt( mm, 10) - 1, parseInt( dd, 10)); var aWeekday = new Array(6); aWeekday[0] = aWeekdayList[0].substr(0, strLength) + "|0"; // SUNDAY aWeekday[1] = aWeekdayList[1].substr(0, strLength) + "|1"; // MONDAY aWeekday[2] = aWeekdayList[2].substr(0, strLength) + "|2"; // TUESDAY aWeekday[3] = aWeekdayList[3].substr(0, strLength) + "|3"; // WEDNESDAY aWeekday[4] = aWeekdayList[4].substr(0, strLength) + "|4"; // THURSDAY aWeekday[5] = aWeekdayList[5].substr(0, strLength) + "|5"; // FRIDAY aWeekday[6] = aWeekdayList[6].substr(0, strLength) + "|6"; // SATURDAY var daySelected = aWeekday[oDate.getDay()]; return daySelected; } function removeStationInformation(station) { if( station == 'ETA' ) { document.getElementById('openingHoursPickup').style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('openingHoursPickup').innerHTML = ' '; } else { document.getElementById('openingHoursReturn').style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('openingHoursReturn').innerHTML = ' '; } } function setOpeningHours(where) { var xAgentParam = '&RAN=' + Math.random() + '&LANG=' + gLng + '&COUNTRY='; var xFieldValue = ''; var xTarget = ''; var oPickup = document.getElementById('STA'); var oReturn = document.getElementById('ILC'); if(where == 'ETA') { xFieldValue = oPickup.getAttribute('valueSelected'); xTarget = 'openingHoursPickup'; // display week day in front of the day displayWeekDay('openingHoursPickupWeekday'); } else { xFieldValue = oReturn.getAttribute('valueSelected'); xTarget = 'openingHoursReturn'; displayWeekDay('openingHoursReturnWeekday') } if( !xFieldValue || xFieldValue == '' || xFieldValue == '-1' || xFieldValue == 'xx') removeStationInformation(where); else getAJAXData('toggleOpeningHours', gStationsURL + '/AjaxWebService?OpenAgent' + xAgentParam + '&F=getOpeningHoursPerLocation&STA=', xFieldValue, xTarget); } function displayWeekDay(_FieldId) { // swap places in Weekdays array, Sunday must be first var arrayWeekDays = new Array(dp_dayArrayLong[6], dp_dayArrayLong[0], dp_dayArrayLong[1], dp_dayArrayLong[2], dp_dayArrayLong[3], dp_dayArrayLong[4], dp_dayArrayLong[5]); var aTemp = new Array(); var PickupORReturn = ''; var Field = document.getElementById( _FieldId ); if( Field ) { if( _FieldId== 'openingHoursPickupWeekday' ) PickupORReturn = 'ETA'; else PickupORReturn = 'ETT'; var oField = document.getElementById(PickupORReturn + 'Day'); var sPickupORReturnDAY = oField[oField.selectedIndex].value; oField = document.getElementById(PickupORReturn + 'Month'); var sPickupORReturnMONTHYEAR = oField[oField.selectedIndex].value; var sPickupORReturnMONTH = sPickupORReturnMONTHYEAR.substr(0, 2); var sPickupORReturnYEAR = sPickupORReturnMONTHYEAR.substr(2, 4); var sWeekDayIndex = getWeekDay(sPickupORReturnDAY ,sPickupORReturnMONTH ,sPickupORReturnYEAR , arrayWeekDays ); aTemp = sWeekDayIndex.split('|'); Field.innerHTML = aTemp[0] + ' '; } } // function for loading of Cities ================ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function toggleCitiesPerCountry(iReturnString , iTarget, iXMLOutput) { var xTargetItem = document.getElementById( iTarget ); var xNewOption = null; if( iXMLOutput.search(/^ERROR/) == -1 && xTargetItem ) { xTargetItem.disabled=false; var xAllLocationsList = unescape(decodeURI(iXMLOutput.replace( /\n/, "") )).split('~'); // remove all old entries form dropdown var xLen = xTargetItem.length; for( var i=0; i < xLen ; i++) { xTargetItem.options[ 0 ] = null; } xTargetItem.disabled=false; // write //========================================================================= for( var xCounter =0; xCounter < xAllLocationsList.length; xCounter++)// the 1st entry is always '- - - - - - | -1' . 1st value is written by AjaxWebServices agent { xAllLocationsListEntry = xAllLocationsList[xCounter].split('$A$'); // left from $A$ = label and value, right from $A$ = 1 if airport stat var xLocList = xAllLocationsListEntry[0]; //alert("LocList: " + xLocList); if( xLocList != '' ) { // >>> write into a list ============ xTextArray = xLocList.split('|'); xNewOption = new Option( xTextArray[0], xTextArray[1], false, false); xTargetItem.options[ xCounter ] = xNewOption ; } } } } // function for loading of Locations in Cities ================ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function toggleLocationsPerCity(iReturnString , iTarget, iXMLOutput) { var xTargetItemSTA = document.getElementById( iTarget ); var xSecondtarget = document.getElementById( 'AllCitycodes' ); var xNewOption = null; if( iXMLOutput.search(/^ERROR/) == -1 && xTargetItemSTA ) { var xAllLocationsList = unescape(decodeURI(iXMLOutput.replace( /\n/, "") )).split('~'); //alert(" location list " + xAllLocationsList); // remove all old entries form dropdown var xLen = xTargetItemSTA.length; for( var i=0; i < xLen ; i++) { xTargetItemSTA.options[ 0 ] = null; xSecondtarget.value = ""; } xTargetItemSTA.disabled=false; // write locations //========================================================================= for( var xCounter =0; xCounter < xAllLocationsList.length; xCounter++)// the 1st entry is always '- - - - - - | -1' . 1st value is written by AjaxWebServices agent { xAllLocationsListEntry = xAllLocationsList[xCounter].split('$A$'); // left from $A$ = label and value, right from $A$ = 1 if airport stat var xLocList = xAllLocationsListEntry[0]; //alert("LocList: " + xLocList); //alert(" name: " + xSecondtarget.name); if( xLocList != '' ) { // >>> write into a list ============ xTextArray = xLocList.split('|'); xNewOption = new Option( xTextArray[0], xTextArray[1], false, false); xTargetItemSTA.options[ xCounter ] = xNewOption ; xSecondtarget.value += xTextArray[1] + '~'; //alert(" codes: " + xSecondtarget.value); } } } }